Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Animal Ringtones are Used to Lure Leopards

In Ahmedabad, India, forest gurads are using cellphone ringtones to lure leopards from villages. The ringtones are sounds of cows mooing, goats bleating, and roosters crowing. Rather than using these actual animals, such as using a goat to attract the leopards, forest guards feel that this is a much safer way to get the leopards out of the village. The leopards have wandered into the villages in search of food, which ofter results in many human attacks. Therefore, it is important that the leopards are removed from the villages as quickly as possible. The guards play the ringtones for up to two hours and eventually, the cats come out and are tricked into going into cages with a meal inside. Once the cats are caught, they are placed back into the wild. Since the newest ringtone idea, five of the cats from the village have been caught. The guards are thankful for this new method of trapping because so far, the ringtones seem to work and no animals are harmed.


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