Thursday, May 10, 2007

Activists Want Chimp Declared a Person

In Vienna, Austria, animal-rights advocates are looking to get 26-year-old male chimpanzee Hiasl legally declared a person. Activists are looking to get the chimp basic humans rights, such as the right to life, the right not to be tortured, and freedom under certain conditions. This situtation all started when Hiasl and another chimp Rosi's animal sanctuary went bankrupt, where they lived for 25 years. Activists want to make sure that the chimps do not end up homeless if the shelter closes. Both chimps have already been through enough: They were captured as babies and smuggled to a lab where they were used for pharmaceutical testing. Their food and veterinary bills are known to be about $6,800 a month. Donors have offered to help, but under Austrian law, only a person can receive personal donations. Activist hope that if Hiasl is deemed a person, he will be allowed to own property. Then, if people want to make donations towards him, he will be able to accept them. A date for the appeal has not been set yet, so the struggle to earn Hiasl "person" rights will continue on.

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