On Wednesday, baby twin red pandas were exposed to the public for the first time in the Sydney Taronga Zoo. The zoo features a breeding program that aims to help prevent the extinction of endangered species. The pandas are three months old and are named Jishnu and Tenzin. The pandas parents are Wanmei and Mayhem. Their mother, Wanmei, was brought from Erie Zoo to mate with Mayhem and to establish a significant new bloodline in the Australian breeding program. Fortythree cubs have been born at the zoo since the program began in 1977. This program is a great help because there have been guessed to be as low as only 2500 Red Pandas left in the world today. Thanks to the Taronga Zoo, these Red Pandas will recieve the care, attention, and protection they need while still living in a healthy enviornment.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
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